Faith & philosophy of Hinduism - Page 32 Rajeev Verma - 2009 - 333 pages
Violent struggle in her defence was a sacred duty which Aurobindo equated with a Vedic sacrifice. Such appeals aroused Hindus but antagonized Muslims, who welcomed the partition because the new province had a Muslim majority. ...
Violent struggle in her defence was a sacred duty which Aurobindo equated with a Vedic sacrifice. Such appeals aroused Hindus but antagonized Muslims, who welcomed the partition because the new province had a Muslim majority. ...
The Edinburgh companion to twentieth-century philosophies - Page 651 Constantin V. Boundas - 2007 - 740 pages
The 'field of being' thus 'enlightened' Aurobindo equates with a 'divine birth' – the telos toward which all of one's previous births are laborious steps. He writes: 'All this evolution is a growing of the Self in material nature to the ... Columbia companion to twentieth-century philosophies
The 'field of being' thus 'enlightened' Aurobindo equates with a 'divine birth' – the telos toward which all of one's previous births are laborious steps. He writes: 'All this evolution is a growing of the Self in material nature to the ... Columbia companion to twentieth-century philosophies
Social and political thought of Mahatma Gandhi - Page 44 Bidyut Chakrabarty - 2006 - 234 pages
India he visualized as 'democratic and federal [comprising] republican states ( British Indian provinces) and constitutional monarchies (native states)'.63 In contrast with Pal, Aurobindo equated swaraj with absolute political ...
India he visualized as 'democratic and federal [comprising] republican states (
Hindutva: exploring the idea of Hindu nationalism Jyotirmaya Sharma - 2003 - 205 pages
What is absolutely clear, however, is that Aurobindo equated this principle with manliness. This is yet another inversion in his thought which inaugurates a separate set of problems. In the Indian cosmology, it was the cerebral, ...
What is absolutely clear, however, is that Aurobindo equated this principle with manliness. This is yet another inversion in his thought which inaugurates a separate set of problems. In the Indian cosmology, it was the cerebral, ...
Tradition and the rhetoric of right: popular political argument in ... - Page 113 David J. Lorenzo - 1999 - 339 pages
Where Hegel saw the rationalist bureaucracy of the German state as approximating the apex of human achievement, Aurobindo equated rationalism with the oppression and alienation produced by the British Empire, and he pointed to a ...
Where Hegel saw the rationalist bureaucracy of the German state as approximating the apex of human achievement, Aurobindo equated rationalism with the oppression and alienation produced by the British Empire, and he pointed to a ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1998
Sri Aurobindo equates the Vedic ' 'truth-consciousness' ' with the supermind, with the Gita 's concept of Para prakriti and with supreme Shakti of Tantra, and builds up a path to the ascent to the supermind and of the descent of the ...
Sri Aurobindo equates the Vedic ' 'truth-consciousness' ' with the supermind, with the Gita 's concept of Para prakriti and with supreme Shakti of Tantra, and builds up a path to the ascent to the supermind and of the descent of the ...
Encyclopaedia of Eminent Thinkers: The political thought of Aurobindo - Page 92 K. S. Bharathi - 1998 - 111 pages
Aurobindo equates Political Vedantism with ethical relativism and neutrality, bordering almost upon Machiavellism. He said, Vedantism accepts no distinction of true or false religions, but considers only what will lead more or less ...
Aurobindo equates Political Vedantism with ethical relativism and neutrality, bordering almost upon Machiavellism. He said, Vedantism accepts no distinction of true or false religions, but considers only what will lead more or less ...
The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo - Page 229, V. P. Varma
- 1990 - 494 pages
But perhaps the most astounding example of the secularization of the Vedanta is obtained when Aurobindo equates "Political Vedantism" with ethical relativism and neutrality, bordering almost upon Machiavellism. "Vedantism accepts no distinction of true or false religions , ... The Indian journal of political science Indian Political Science Association – 1957
But perhaps the most astounding example of the secularization of the Vedanta is obtained when Aurobindo equates "Political Vedantism" with ethical relativism and neutrality, bordering almost upon Machiavellism. "Vedantism accepts no distinction of true or false religions
Modern Indian interpreters of the Bhagavadgita - Page 64 Robert Neil Minor - 1986 - 273 pages
Aurobindo equates the deity Krishna with Brahman, identifying him with the " imperishable, undefinable, unmanifest" which the Gita actually teaches is, inferior to Krishna himself in 12.1-7.13 Thus, quoting 12.3-12, he inserts the terms ...
Aurobindo equates the deity Krishna with Brahman, identifying him with the "
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1984
Sri Aurobindo equates the recovery of the lost cows from the caves with the release of light and knowledge from the caves of ignorance and inconscience. Similarly Sarama for him is the power of intuition. Such images and new meanings...
Sri Aurobindo equates the recovery of the lost cows from the caves with the release of light and knowledge from the caves of ignorance and inconscience. Similarly Sarama for him is the power of intuition. Such images and new meanings...
Towards the life divine: Sri Aurobindo's vision, Louis Thomas O'Neil
- 1979 - 103 pages
Aurobindo equates his lower Maya with Sankara's understanding and maintains that it is for this reason that Sankara fell, as it were, into qualified illusionism. But Aurobindo sees lower Maya as a way which evolves into higher Maya. ...
Aurobindo equates his lower Maya with Sankara's understanding and maintains that it is for this reason that Sankara fell, as it were, into qualified illusionism. But Aurobindo sees lower Maya as a way which evolves into higher Maya. ...
Nolini: Arjuna of our age Nolini Kanta Gupta, V. Madhusudan Reddy
- 1979 - 239 pages
Sri Aurobindo equates Brindavan with the paradise that existed before the dawn of Creation and with the u-orld of Bliss secret within us. ... Hindu social philosophy, Subramania Gopalan
- 1979 - 293 pages Sri Aurobindo equates ... The Calcutta historical journal University of Calcutta - 1979 As the radical and millenarian Milton equated monarchy with Antichrist, Aurobindo equated British rule with ... Towards eternity; Sri Aurobindo birth centenary volume, 15th ... Aurobindo Ghose - 1973 - 526 pages ... so it appears appropriate that Sri Aurobindo equated his ...
Sri Aurobindo equates Brindavan with the paradise that existed before the dawn of Creation and with the u-orld of Bliss secret within us. ... Hindu social philosophy, Subramania Gopalan
on it to be a beacon to others in a pursuit so different and difficult, for somebody has to keep the flame burning till it burns everywhere. In a brilliant speech, Aurobindo equated the Indian land with Sanatana Dharma or Hindu religion which is but another name for the yearning of the Divine or the quest of the Spirit. He also said that in India religion and nationalism ...
Contemporary Indian idealism (with special reference to Swami ..., Ripusudan Prasad Srivastava
- 1973 - 212 pages
Creation Sri Aurobindo equates the nature of the universe with the nature of Reality. In other words creation follows from dhe very nature of existence or being. Thus the problem of creation is the problem of existence. ...
Creation Sri Aurobindo equates the nature of the universe with the nature of Reality. In other words creation follows from dhe very nature of existence or being. Thus the problem of creation is the problem of existence. ...
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1972 - 1471 pages
Brutus, who is forced in the end to answer her defiance with disarming acquiescence, and exclaim prayerfully: "O ye gods, render me worthy of this noble wife!" With his sure instinct, Sri Aurobindo equated the ...
Brutus, who is forced in the end to answer her defiance with disarming acquiescence, and exclaim prayerfully: "O ye gods, render me worthy of this noble wife!" With his sure instinct, Sri Aurobindo equated the ...
The extremist challenge: India between 1890 and 1910, Amales Tripathi
- 1967 - 246 pages
blade of knife that comes fromLeeds ". He would not allow British capital to be invested. "But we shall apply for foreign loans in the open market of the whole world", guaranteeing the credit of the Government.48 Aurobindo equated ...
blade of knife that comes from
A critical study of Aurobindo: with special reference to his ..., Laxman Ganpatrao Chincholkar
- 1966 - 216 pages
Aurobindo equates the Real-Idea with the supermind. Aurobindo occasionally says that the supermind is the Truth-Consciousness itself. The difference is of the terms than of substance. It is the perfection incarnate, and transcends all ...
Aurobindo equates the Real-Idea with the supermind. Aurobindo occasionally says that the supermind is the Truth-Consciousness itself. The difference is of the terms than of substance. It is the perfection incarnate, and transcends all ...