Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Growing respect for Sri Aurobindo

Brit imperialism had a strong racist component.That CPI was claiming 2 do freedom fight while being directed by the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) tells that the Comrades had swallowed the Brit racist theory in full.Colonized minds can only betray https://t.co/XK5yw003As
The Communist Party of Gr8 Brit (CPGB) was particularly close 2 the Bombay wing of the CPI. A founder member of the CPGB,Shapurji Saklatvala, was 4m the Tata family of Bombay. The Bombay wing dominated CPI thru  the freedom struggle (which CPI betrayed):  https://t.co/XK5yw003As

On the Freudian unconscious...
× Jacques Lacan ~ knowledge which doesn’t know itself
× Zizek ~ symbolically articulated knowledge ignored by subject
× Don Rumsfeld ~ unknown knowns
[kind of extraordinary so many ideas of 20thC trace their origins to Freud's writings]
Freud and an India connection https://t.co/qU58jOUY8c
Two descriptions on how to be...
Christ to apostles:"...be wise as serpents & gentle as doves"
Auden on Freud: "who remembers like the old & is honest like children"
a man studies Freud for forty years, writes a book about him. he begins by relying on these two great experts of the human mind https://t.co/lMndc4akCd

Savitri Era Party is an attempt to grow awareness about Sri Aurobindo and develop respect towards him. Right now, he is largely unknown; and even for those who know, is to no avail. This is the factual situation and there's no evidence to the contrary. Yet, sudden change possible
Poets and philosophers are remembered in all cultures but language poses a barrier in India. Since Sri Aurobindo wrote in English, he is not easily accepted as their own in any region. But his neutral stand on religion can prove to be the panacea for the present political impasse
Abnormal level of population in India and its geographical vastness and diversity is inflicting enormous hardship upon its inhabitants. Minor incidents in one corner is keeping its entire population tense. A family splits when it grows too big. So Sovereignty to States is a must.
Huge territory may be satisfactory for immature adolescents but lots of people are put to difficulty due to being uprooted, long travel, away from home, linguistically alienated, or culturally strangulated. Psychological factors must receive attention and deserved consideration.

Marketime: Sri Aurobindo, Pal, Tagore, Gandhi, and Savarkar https://t.co/Yk8Uy6Mcpb @NathTusar
#SriAurobindo's salience https://t.co/upjH4BU1Q1
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

Scripturalizing the Human: The Written as the Political - Page 118
Vincent L. Wimbush - 2015 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
9 We should avoid the temptation to draw the similarities between the modern and the nonmodern on the basis of a symmetrical anthropology à la Bruno Latour (2010) and its reconceptualization by Isabelle Stengers (2010–2011, 2: 303 and  ...

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