Friday, September 3, 2021

The concept of the Ubermenschen was taken by Nietzsche from Renan › books
Vedre Narayan Karan Reddy · 1992 · ‎Snippet view · ‎More editions
The concept of the Ubermenschen was taken by Nietzsche from Renan. He used this word to explain the heroes of Byron and Shakespeare .
Sri Aurobindo Mandir, Calcutta · 1985 · ‎Snippet view · ‎More editions
And it is too late now in the day to start explaining the nature and origin of nationhood ; it was done long ago by Mazzini and by Renan and once for all .

Aurobindo is not comparable to Mazzini in the intensity and range of the latter's political influence . Despite the failure of his early insurrectionary ... › books
K. S. PADHY · 2011 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
Aurobindo was influenced by Mazzini's Risorgimento and the Irish patriotic movement. He expressed his feelings for his mother country through poems: Lines ...

Mythic Society (Bangalore, India) · 2001 · ‎Snippet view · ‎More editions
Like Mazzini , Aurobindo believed thet each nation is enstrusted with a mission which it should fulfil . Nation is an eternal entity with a long past out of ...

Sankar Ghose · 1984 · ‎Snippet view
Mazzini thought that the Italians could prove that they were “ all sons of God and ... 159 Aurobindo shared Mazzini's idea of a nation as the radiant and ...
Hiren Chakrabarti · 1992 · ‎Snippet view
But it is certain that Mazzini's words about the importance of youth in the ... If Aurobindo had not admitted his special debt to Mazzini , 233 one would ...

Shiva Kumar Mital · 1981 · ‎Snippet view
But there is nothing definite to show the influence of Mazzini on Sri Aurobindo's theory of nationalism as a religion . After his return from Alipore jail ...

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