Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Mandir and Mandal together

Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra 

Dear BJP and supporters,

You are the Party of the Revolution. That is your destiny. You will never get to rest on your laurels. And that is good, because it encourages you to be your true self.

Note: This is not a political, social, or electoral analysis, but do read on.

When you worked to build the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, it was never for your own glory. It wasn’t meant to be a cheque you could cash in again and again, or a means to get unending electoral dividends. The Ram Mandir at Ayodhya is the symbol of Bharat’s Truth in the world. It serves as a beacon of our civilizational consciousness. It is a harmonizing influence, and it has started to do its work.

On June 4, across Bharat, there were celebrations. Unprecedented celebrations, where every participant in the electoral process felt like a winner, and everyone had reflections on what needs to be done further. This is the harmonizing influence operating in the national consciousness. So, never for moment think that your efforts at building the Ram Mandir have been in vain.

This harmony in the national consciousness is a harbinger of a great strength. It strengthens India’s voice and influence in the world. This harmony envisages a wider peace and hope for all of humanity, and we know that the world as it is today, desperately needs this harmony. If the great harmony that operates in the heart of the Divine Mother chose to blunt the edges of a victory that would have looked like a sword to few sections, and chose to blunt a will for violence and retribution* that would have arisen as a response to it, well, it is the Divine Wisdom guiding Bharat’s destiny. Because the will of the Divine is that Bharat lives and celebrates in harmony. This is a great blessing, a Divine Grace.

(* I refer to the various statements and threats made by opposition leaders in the 24 hour run up to the counting of votes, including some which were made directly on this platform. They were clearly ready to instigate massive violence and other mass disruption and lawfare tactics.)

You may wonder at the turn of events, and whether it was just chance, or pointed wickedness, or a deep conspiracy, that led to a unique quirk in electoral mathematics that has the potential to rewrite agendas. You should certainly investigate all aspects of this puzzle. Data is necessary, because in data we may find insights we overlooked in thrall of the narrative, which as it turns out, was not very insightful. Such a turn of events forces us to be humble, and humility is good. It is an excellent quality for an organization and workers who seek to serve and uplift the people and raise Bharat’s glory, and not merely to rule the country for the sake of it.

As you analyze and reach a conclusion about whether the data signifies just chance, or rather incompetence and mismanagement, what proportion of the data is directly correlated to idleness, wickedness, and stupidity, and what proportion is a deep conspiracy, the one inevitable conclusion is that there a cry in the heart of a darkness, an insecurity that seeks to express itself. This insecurity and darkness lurks among a section of the people whom you seek to serve, and it is important to understand what stoked their insecurity. It is reasonable to assume that a mixture of propaganda and falsehoods made them feel insecure. This is a critical data point, because armed with it, you can start corrective measures to prevent external and internal actors and influences that stoked this insecurity, and shake up the complacency that led to such an important factor being overlooked. Though lives have gotten better, a deep insecurity persists, and it must be addressed for the vision of Bharat’s progress. It is your duty. As an organization, it is time to come up with a creative vision of addressing this cry in the darkness and mitigate all insecurities. This requires being more revolutionary than those who profess to bring in revolutions, but who are either beholden to outside forces, or use the language of revolution to increase darkness and sow anarchy. To become more revolutionary than the faux revolutionaries is the path ahead. And this is easy, because you are the Party of the Revolution. Only you can truly bring about what needs to be done.

Another thing we must acknowledge is that as a free society, external influences will always make their way through and try to shake our bastions, manipulate our truths, and overturn lives. This is now normalized. The international is now the local, and the local is the international, and even the geopolitical. This interplay is now constant and, in some manner, irreversible. This does not mean that every foreign influence is benign. In fact, the data shows it is pretty much the opposite. We are dealing with malign forces that have the power of falsehood and propaganda. These forces are now running amok and are powerful, because they’re being fronted by nominally nationalist forces. Be the revolution to beat these outside revolutionaries. Ideas have power, but the deeper truth of all ideas that people accept in innocence or insecurity, must be mitigated by our Bharatiya interpretation. Being the revolutionary party is your advantage. Embrace all the changes that the world would like to see in you, but with your own vision and creativity.

Does this signify a change in tone and tenor, and in policy, from being focused on Mandir to invigorating and reinterpreting Mandal? Yes and No. The former, the traditionalist and rightist stream of national consciousness must remain our core strength. Rather, the shackles they find so restrictive, must be removed. The Party of the Revolution must now be Mandir and Mandal together, and harmonize both in the process, though it is an uphill, next to impossible task. It has struck a balance on this previously, but a lot more clearly needs to be done. But being the revolutionary party has its advantage. All the anarchists must have enough anarchy to keep them busy. All the traditionalists must have the freedom to live their vision. All streams of the national consciousness must be given a free run, under very strict and capable management. It is a tall order, but it is the path to progress.

This difficult task falls upon the very capable shoulders of Shri @narendramodi ji, because he has the spiritual, ethical, and political will to come to grips with this situation and harmonize things to pursue the path of relentless striving towards progress and perfection, the expectation of which is now firmly ingrained in the Bharatiya people.

In the line of duty, a rewiring of the organizational DNA to adapt to changed circumstances is inevitable. Cutting the flab is good. Scales falling off the eyes is excellent. Sycophants and those who joined merely for profit leaving you, is an even better outcome. To commit ourselves to work alone and not be distracted by noise is a great blessing.

If all of this does not make sense, it is because this is not political, social, or electoral analysis. It does not come from a place of logic, but from the interplay of forces that are gently reverberating in our consciousness. All of them must find reasonable avenues of expression in the national life.

May we all act always from our highest consciousness, and may our national life become a true expression of the consciousness that we are.

Om Namo Bhagavate!

Sri Aurobindo was (of course) right.

One of the problems with contemporary (read Western) political philosophy is the axiomatic assumption of fraternity which was very much, at best, a post-WW2 phenomenon after a lot of violence in Europe.

Someone like a John Rawls flourished in that backdrop where individuals could to some workable extent be assumed to be inter-changeable or fungible. As diversity increased, but fraternity taken for granted rather forgotten, wokeism aka identity politics came up even if under the same cover of "liberalism".

But without fraternity there can be no coherent nation-state or indeed civilisational-state. Centrifugal forces will trump centripetal ones. Entropy trumps negentropy, and so on.

A modern state requires a dynamic economy which in turn requires a functioning welfare apparatus. To have buy-in for the same one needs some level of fraternity.

Tat tvam asi, if you will.

The BJP-led NDA pre-poll alliance with PM Modi as clearly projected leader got ~45%+ vote in 2019, and a bit less this time in 2024. BJP itself did not even lose one percentage point of vote share, but it was more dispersed this time. (Also, kudos to ECI and our much maligned EVMs for again maintaining the highest integrity of our electoral process.)

Yet this is very, very important: 2019 was probably the first time in Indian history that the party/pre-poll alliance which won - received more than 50% of the Hindu vote. Before this, the winning group never got half the Hindu votes polled as per above. 2024 is borderline.

But think about 2019 again for a moment! Nehru, Indira, Rajiv probably never got half the polled Hindu votes but Narendra Modi did. Why do you think 370 was removed under him? Or the Ram Mandir built? Or CAA happened now. Or UCC was (I am saying "was" for now) on the anvil.

Veer Savarkar and Babasaheb Ambedkar understood - and so did Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, as well as all other giants - without Sangathan Hindu civilisation will remain weak. Without fraternity, Dharma will simply not expand. What will not expand, will ultimately collapse - that is if it was capable of collapsing, to paraphrase Aurobindo.

"One of the most important components of such injunctions of the past that we have blindly carried on and which deserves to be thrown in the dustbins of history is the rigid caste system", roared Savarkar. He called so-called scriptural casteism a mental illness. A mental illness.

What Dharma, Hindutva and Sanghatan are we then talking about if we are going against giants such as Savarkar and Vivekananda? Disagree with them if one wants to on their views on caste and Hindu unity, but at least be courageous enough to do it explicitly!

Indian politics is extremely complicated and yet not very complicated. A ~20% and growing voter block which will, small fractions and honourable exceptions aside, not vote for BJP because it is the party of Hindu consolidation in the face of Abrahamic or quasi-Abrahamic expansion/separatism (I include Communism and Khalistan movement in quasi-Abrahamism.)

So then, it comes down to an Index of Hindu Unity (IHU), which is key - other factors being geographical voter dispersion, tight economic conditions, any special event, candidate/leadership quality etc.

IHU can be increased tactically through caste coalitions, which BJP must do, and more sustainably/strategically through long-term socio-economic changes. I want to make sure no "lower" Hindu castes are left out of the mainstream, only basis birth, including in our temples and core rituals.

As somebody who is not in electoral politics nor the member of any party - yet the supporter of BJP and Modi as is my democratic right - I am more interested in supporting and talking about the long term factors and trends. If this hurts a few caste activists who mock Hindu unity and chicken out from debates, I am sorry that I am not sorry.

Anyway, the India story will continue to shine. These are short-term minor setbacks. All medieval mindsets will be consigned to the dustbins of history, as Veer Savarkar rightly said.

This. Beyond elections a key issue is lack of unity and fraternity amongst Indians, especially Hindus. Until the caste (oops ...sorry abt the European word, read it as Jati if it helps) is eliminated or fundamentally reformed, we  will always expose fault lines to be exploited.

Western wokes attention:

The mandate that has chastened the BJP is an affirmation of the robustness of India’s democracy and the institutions that guard it. This is not a country sliding backward into the abyss of tyranny. Authoritarian leaders never voluntarily subject themselves to any sort of inquisition at the hands of the public. Quite clearly, Modi is very much a democrat willing to let the people have their say.

India’s democracy has set down deep roots. It has matured, voters are spoilt for choice. No result is pre-ordained, and no precept is sacrosanct except one: performance pays.

Chandrababu Naidu and Nitish Kumar should immediately switch from the NDA to the INDI Alliance to save India's constitution and democracy. History will judge their actions. 

Modi is shamelessly destroying India's future by: (1) using ED, CBI, and Income Tax agencies to coerce politicians and business people; (2) using money power through illegal Electoral Bonds and crony capitalists to buy elections and MP/MLAs; and (3) controlling the media, bureaucracy, and EC to advance his megalomania. 

The people have taken this so-called "divine person" and shown him his true place - the dustbin of history along with all the other dictators!

Am 1 of very few journalists who said @BJP4India won't do as well as predicted. Yet am sad, coz @narendramodi 'll have to submit to whims of a coalition Govt and won't be able to implement some of essential reforms he pledged like common civil code or a parliamentary system. It's bad for India & bad for economy. In my book:… I said that many of us felt that in his first years, Mr Modi was divinely inspired, but  his centralizing all powers in @PMOIndia his being shut down in Delhi's VVIP & security system, he was cutting himself from feeling pulse of people. His media team projecting him lately as a God-like figure also harmed him. Am I right??… #india #bharat #elections #loksabha #trending #narendramodi #analysis #objective #indiavotes #voting #counting #eci #democracy #electionresults #books #readers #electionupdate #indiadecides #LokSabhaElection2024LIVEUpdate #loksabhaelectioncountingday

A key takeaway from this election: it is always a mistake not to cut off the head of the serpent. You can't do democracy with a bunch that makes deals with foreign forces who want to break India. Rest - caste equations, etc are mere details. Think civilisational, not electoral.

This among other reasons is why I started The Dharma Dispatch. However humble, whatever minuscule its impact, we are duty-bound to carry forward the profound legacy of our Rishis. Nobody, not even Hindus of today can recreate the genius called Sanatana civilisation.

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