Monday, July 15, 2019

Will Durant, Paul Brunton, and Bimal Roy

Assorted tweets:

Modi govt is in the right track; trying to be true to Constitution even at the risk of diluting many of party bastion. Such a clear headed policy is admittedly daring and admirably refreshing. Many would suspect carrot and stick but from all appearances, intentions seem genuine.
I think, the govt is following a well thought out approach. It has its own experts and analysts and let's rely upon them.

Promoting individualism among Indians is necessary by discouraging mythology and symbols of monarchy. Religious practices in a Democracy like election symbols, party flags, taking oath and similar pomp and ceremony should be banished. The very concept of national anthem is flawed.

Savitri Era Open Forum: Limits will be set by Him @NathTusar, Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF), SRA-102-C, Shipra Riviera, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad-201014 (UP). #FiveDreams #WorldUnion
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

At least the Princely states should have remained. Our temples and Sanatana social fabric would have been intact.

As long as there were many kingdoms it was difficult to harm or attack Dharma, we were culturally together though separate kingdoms but after being centrally ruled any NGO anywhere in World can question any tradition anywhere in India with PIL in secular SC.
Central rule, due to Western concept of multiculturism it has accepted has somehow affected regional Dharmic needs of natives. It reflects in every administrative machinery, with Temples taken over and traditions breaking down or allowed to die. Now they exist only 4 tourism.
Now India has become such that SC worries about native festivals, notwithstanding, festivals of India is central to its values otherwise it becomes like any Abrahamic State. People die everyday just boarding trains, pollution is all year round & meat export is a big industry but SC is worried about Dahi Handi, Diwali crackers & animal sports.

Seeing Congress’s dirty nasty dynasty one has to agree that dynasty of benevolent princely states would have been better than this pseudo democracy of fake surname family owned congress rule

The Mughals came to India as conquerors but remained as Indians not colonists. They made India a lot richer not just economically but in the cultural sphere too. Expecting an avalanche of whatsapp facts verified by whatsapp university for stating this.

And what about Chola Dynasty, Gupta Dynasty, Maurya Empire, Avanti Kingdom etc?? They had nothing great about them? India was more progressive before them. Parda and Sati Pratha came into being after they started raping women.

History can’t be told in black and white. There are grey shades too. Who made whom richer is debatable as the subjects paid for the Sovereign’s whims too often, with their sweat and blood. Staying on like the Parsees did is appreciable. But not jijiya, nor desecration of temples.

Madhu Kishwar is not alone. Sanghis hate the very mention of Sikhs. 2 years ago HAF had asked California boards to remove the word Sikh to describe Dalip Singh Saund and remove references to Sikh Guru Nanak's opposition to caste system.
Everyone has own anxiety against Sikhs. Those who want to glorify Mughals, Afghans, whitewash 1940s, battles with pahadi rajas, resistance to caste, resistance to Arya Samaj, Congress, RSS - all are pissed at existence of Sikhs and want to bury Sikh History or erase it

But as I said, guess what? We are here, we are vocal, we are assertive, we are unapologetic about our history and identity.
No attempt to erase or appropriate Sikhs shall succeed. Not every Sikh is as ignorant and careless as these haters assume

58) Hymns 372 - 377 (Verses 3,780 - 3,805): Description of Rig-Veda, Mandala 05, Sukta 018 to 023 (including hymns on the fulfillment of the soul); with #SriAurobindo's words on the true psychological significance of Indra

Among the crimes committed by Muslim invaders of India, none is more horrendous than the burning and destruction of the world's greatest university at Nalanda. An action that wiped out Buddhism from Bharat. Today's Muslims are not to blame, but they must acknowledge that atrocity

Muslim hospitality & Palestinian grace on display as a Christian is kicked out from the Temple Mount by an Islamist. Next time Cdn clerics grovel abt 'inter-faith harmony' to gullible Rabbis & Pastors, show them this sample of their contempt for Christians

Everytime I see A raja on the speaker chair of LS--I realize how rotten is our democratic system:!!--What next ?--Kani as Chairman of ethics Committee of LS:) RT

The story of the Mahābhārata is gigantic. This section tells in brief the names of the parvas and the story segments contained inside them.
Mahābhārata and its Place in Indian Culture – Part 2

Mandra: The Music of Raja Saheb and Ramkumari's Samskara

(Thread) Incestuous thoughts in Hindu literature

Yama and Yami are the Adam and Eve of Aryan mythology
In the Iranian branch the twin siblings consummate their incest. In the Indo-Aryan/Rigvedic branch they don't. Enter Manu. (Puranic Flood/Creation Myth similar to Sumerian Gilgamesh and Semitic Noah..)

1st tirthankar of jainism was born in era when humans gave birth to a twins who consummated as a couple. He is also supposed to be the 1st one who married a lone female out of compassion, when her natural partner died. Thus, the pioneer of polygamy.

Forgot to add, 1st 'Widow Remarriage' in the below tweet.

Of all the narratives found in different religions, the jaina version sounds practical. No angry god, no garden, no forbidden fruit, no curses, no rivers, no floods. All characters are simply humans. Female is not inferior. As straight as it gets.

This is the President of the United States essentially telling 4 elected representatives of ‘colour’ that they don’t belong in the US and they should ‘go back where they came from’. A lesson to all of us on how slippery this slope can be.

An interesting piece in @Jansatta on our book #AmitShah & the March of #BJP... feels good to see the growing interest in the book & in the #BJP's history & evolution:

selling PSU and 100% FDIs are right track? Government is unable to provide jobs unemployees and left them for private jobs. Sri Aurobindo and Mother taught for self reliance and self sufficient in all fields. Our economy and polices are directionless and rudderless

Now, AI to decode Gandhian literature ⁦@narendramodi⁩ ⁦@nsitharaman⁩  May kindly also consider similar project for Words of #SriAurobindo Who wrote on many subjects than any Indian till to date! @Auro
@Auro_Mere You’re kindly requested to comment on use of AI in creating ‘Auropaedia’on the lines of Gandhipaedia approved by Govt of @AuroSociety @mirra21_mala @JayaBhatter @iamchamanjmu @lopamudra_adak @auroviryavaan @arvindkumar15 @DhruvalKhurana @ArpanAgarwal3 @DrSJaishankar
May I request @Auro_Mere  to throw some💡 in the words of the Mother on the African continent about the Falsehood still lurking there & efforts of #SriAurobindo to bring there 💡!! Indians on the West coast are well versed with the situation there & can help a lot  @DrSJaishankar

This endless supply of  "white women" is fed by Anthropology research. It has told them that Hindus with inferiority complex are vulnerable to being swept off their feet. @AudreyTruschke @Voice_For_India

Who are the Hellenes? Some perspective would apply equally to Bharath..and by consequence who can call themselves bharatiya..not withstanding the IoI contortions that has gripped our nation for last half century or so..

How do you distinguish between intellectual curiosity, a superficial emotional dependence and genuine bhakti? Some lines of discrimination one could employ

Problem with literalists. Yet they accuse others of fundamentalism. 
This what happens when someone thinks that the infinite Brahman killed a tiger or killed an elephant for clothing.

There is enough economic evidence, from GDP data to travelogues that call out the economic degradation and cultural and literary destruction and genocide committed by Mughal barbarians. Its like saying Hitler made Jews richer economically and culturally.

There are 15 Muslim majority countries that will execute you for being gay, 12 that will execute you for leaving Islam, Sharia countries that practice gender apartheid and imprison women for not covering their hair...but Muslims are so concerned only about Palestinians in Israel

@PMOIndia these sentiments are very common among madarsa trained Muslim youth in India.They do believe that they are born to rule us.Their contempt & sexual aggression addressed directly at @BJP4India & @RSSorg leaders.Generous scholarships & other carrots won't cure this mindset

Dear Hindu friends lend me your ears: Changing food habits is 1st step in destroying our culture-Islamisation of India is taking place-#HalalMeat evrywhere is step-1/Beef eating is step-2Already kerala/TN/NE&many other states plus plenty of youngsters in this step-2-Resist BothRT

“Just 19” - Such prolonged infantilization (male or female) is a rather serious deficiency in our outlook.
On a lighter note, reminding Hindus to watch Chapelle’s “How Old is 15 Really” bit. 😀

Islamic occupation of India and subsequent Jihadi Mughal rulers destroyed India beyond repair selling millions of Hindus to slave markets, destroying every single temple in North India, looting the cities and burning down every center of learning

This is why American Historian and Pulitzer-Prize Winning Writer Will Durant wrote that 
"We can never know, from looking at India today, what grandeur and beauty she once possessed"
Sadly we have failed to reclaim and expand on our lost heritage

This is another book from my dad's collection - The Inner Reality by Paul Brunton. Brunton was a British journalist who later became a Yogi. 
@avatans @AbhinavAgarwal @IndicAcademy @indictoday

If I could re-read 5 books all over again, I’d choose:-
1. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
2. The Odyssey by Homer
3. A search in secret Egypt by Paul Brunton
4. The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda
5. Roots by Alex Haley
What's yours?
given a #6, I'd choose "Caravans" by James A Michener
Terrific read! Paul Brunton cris-crosses the country (circa 1930s) looking to meet Yogis / mystics and learn their well-kept secret eastern methods of self-discovery.

I am an atheist Bahujan Radical Marxist. No, I am.not irked by all relugions. And why should you be bothered about what Islamophobes or Sanghis say? It isn't Islam which is lynching people and wreaking havoc in India.

last week @aarambhindia participated in the workshop 'Understanding the approach of raising gender equitable boys' conducted by by @ecfindia.
We talked about #GenderNorms, #HumanRights, #GenderBasedViolence, #Masculinities and steps to make a gender equitable society.

#A2R continues to be the key focus in #bizhumanrights discourse @EU_in_India, support to #HRDs is very important, says Friedrike Tschampa. @OxfamIndia @ProfSuryaDeva @BizHRAsia @sociopreneur @TriRadhaKrish @AmitabhBehar

Its time India invested heavily in elder care and support. It makes sense socially and economically. Women often carry the burden of caring for the sick and elderly which is not acknowledged or monetised and prevents them from working outside. @INBreakthrough @CGTNOfficial

Glad that Chinese & Japanese speak up on cultural appropriation:

"White people and whiteness are the center of the Trump presidency. His primary concern is to defend, protect and promote it," writes @CharlesMBlow. "All that threatens it must be attacked and assaulted."

#BimalRoy is famous for his romantic-realist melodramas that took on important social issues while still being entertaining.
Tune in at 3:05PM on the FM Gold channel as we take a look back at his life & works in our presentation #RadioReel

Modi government has identified 115 most backward districts in the country and endeavours to put them on the aspirational path. The programme has shown remarkable results, using evidence-based data. Read.

A very good summary,  in this Hindi article, of the last days of the last Hindu empire in what's now Afghanistan who fought valiantly against the invading Muslims and the account of the unimaginable violence they unleashed upon our ancestors

Savitri Era Learning Forum: It's literally the edge of our collective knowledge @NathTusar, Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF), Indirapuram, Ghaziabad - 201014. #FiveDreams #WorldUnion
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

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