Saturday, August 25, 2007

This formula offers a new light of hope, change & a chance of greater bonding

Anirban said...
Tusarji, great, you have pulled out the 'magic formula' from the Master & have succinctly & attractively presented it to a much confused &, searching & divided polity! 'Unity, Mutuality & Harmony' are indeed the combination that can work wonders today & is the formula that is much required & which can work a way out from all impasse at all levels. Unfortunately nobody seems to realise & attempt to work it out in our national affairs today.
This formula, I believe, must be adopted & promoted by the Savitri Era Party & must in a sense represent its refreshing uniqueness today. Sixty years after independence, when most in public life are taking stands & formulating positions inspired by exclusivity, divisiveness, intolerance & creating a near constant state of dis-harmony & thus splintering further our polity, this formula offers a new light of hope, change & a chance of greater bonding. I am certain that if adopted by the Savitri Era Party it will have an appeal to all especially the youth & be an instant hit! It is relevant in international relations & needs application at that level too.
One must guard against Unity turning into uniformity - it leads to stagnation & eventual death, you have sounded the warning from the Master on that front & we'll all do well to pay heed to it. Greater world unity can come about through a preserved & protected diverse difference & not through an imposed uniformity. 4:45 PM, August 25, 2007

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